(fire, water, earth, air)
it also featured only artists i had not yet played on my radio show this semester
it was also way back on 7March09, this journal entry is way overdue
1. DM Stith - Fire of Birds
2. Thee More Shallows -

3. Destroyer - Blue Flower/Blue Flame
4. The One AM Radio -

5. Tune-Yards - FIYA
6. Seabear - trail of water hands
7. Grizzly Bear - Deep Blue Sea
8. Petterson & Hess - By This River
9. The French - Watery For...
10. Martha Wainwright -

11. Cryptacize -

12. Carmen Consoli -

13. Hood - Lines Low to the Frozen Ground
14. The Welcome Wagon - Up On A Mountain
15. Ten in the Swear Jar -

16. RC Succession - Sea of Mud (live)
17. Khonnor -

18. Quinn Walker - Up Here The Air Is Fresh And Sweet
19. Apollo Sunshine - Fog And Shadow
20. Porn On Vinyl -

21. Shelby Sifers -

22. dustin and the furniture -

OK so i had a 2hr "folk!" show planned, themed around the 4 elements, and that was it. but since this was spring break schedule, i stuck around for another hour and just played.. various music. i wasn't really 'feeling' it this day. not during the folk part or the last hour. i mean look up there, some of that is hardlye even any kinda folk. i guess my mind was already gone to montreal for spring break. oh well! here's the rest of the playlist in case you're interested
Psapp - Part Like Waves
Birdmonster -

Clem Snide - Hum
Mike Bones - Today The World Is Worthy Of My Loathing
The Disciplines - Get It Right
Beep Beep -

The Ark - Kolla kolla
Anavan - Boom
Ponytail - G Shock
Black Dice -

The Bodies Obtained - For A Better Life
Odd Nosdam -

Mr. Scruff - Whiplash
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