Sunday, February 8, 2009

why've i got so many people around me designin shit? (or, COMMUNIcation)

"Design is culture, and so is science. Both science and design - forward motors, providers of perspective, guardians of beauty and truth in all of their shades and manifestations - are essential to progress. And a public awareness of science and design is a necessary tool to empower the positive collective feedback that we trust will help set the right substrate for creativity and innovation."

Paolo Antonelli curated the MoMA exhibit "Design and the Elastic Mind" in 2008, which "explored the myriad ways in which design has become an essential tool for visualizing, understanding, and manipulating the natural world, from the micro to the macro." And, she now writes a monthly column in SEED magazine on design and science.

I really think that notions of "left-brained" and "right-brained" people have gone the way of the dodo in the modern world.

Call it a sign of evolution?

1 comment:

à noite said...

seen above: Oded Ezer's "Typosperma" - cloned sperm with typographic information implanted into their DNA