i feel lame because i also talked to adam for the 3rd time (not this week) about job possibility the last two times i've done this i was interrupting him talking to other am.app. employees, who are already accused of looking judgmental to the average customer. which is why i feel like a grade A dumbdumb when i walk in there and get shot down twice while asking about employment.
anyway >>> i am trying to be a graphic designer and make a flyer for posting my office hours. wow! hello, jpeg compression!

maybe i should just post a photo from http://collegehumor.com and type my hours out in comic sans. that could be classy
when i saw that picture in the midst of you talking about american apparel i was hoping you were going to say it was from there so i could run and get it because it looks super cozy and fly at the same time.
it IS from american apparel! i found it on the website though, i don't know if it's here in the columbia location, i have yet to search for it there
the safety scissors are very warhol. Like the Knives print.
ALSO: you are making fun of Cait. haha.
FURTHERMORE: I can see you and that girlfromhistoryclass blossoming into the best OF friends. In which case, I will take a pair of those safety scissors and shank her while John sips his Jooze (jews?) and talks about how we never hang out anymore. I mean. WHAT!
haha the "puzzle" that I have to "uncode" is helenesi. reminds me of hellen keller: masturbator-extraordinaire.
dang now i actually kind of wish it wasn't. probably $$$.
and i like yo flyer.
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