i wish i could go back and look at old livejournal entries like i can with xanga. why did i ever delete that shit? i guess it was eating up my life a bitty bit
speaking of xanga, i just did a vanity search in hopes of finding my xanga thru google. oh my god, i found something even more embarrassing instead
anyway i am sitting on floor one of the thomas cooper. it's the best place in to be in this library, five floors under the earth, in the back back corner, surrounded by books with chinese characters on the spines. as distanced as one can get from the world when in columbia

i'm making a playlist for tuesday's show. or, starting one. because that's more entertaining than working on solid state physics homework. the only song i've got picked out so far is by a band called Boyskout off an album i use really probably TOO often on the show called GIRL MONSTER, but it's an amazing album! seriously! three discs long and all really great grlrawk.
i will start posting playlists on here i guess, startin this tuesday. i just really love the fact that everyone at the station can post playlists on wusc's official website now. wusc.sc.edu - just go to Schedule, and click on whatever show you're interested in looking at, and there should be more details about the show there! for BDP, i've got two playlists up so far. more to come. that, like i said, will also be here. i should use this thing for SOMETHIGN as long as i've got it.

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